


Today I went with my friend to go look at the beautiful cherry blossoms which in Japanese are called sakura in Japanese. Hanami is when people go sit under the beautiful sakura and have a picnic with their friends and family. Well we didn't have a picnic because we went out for lunch before then but we went and took a walk through the park and took many pictures of the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms that we saw were white. I am going to Kyoto soon and many people say there are really beautiful cherry blossoms there so I will take many pictures and update my blog again after my trip! Right now is a very beautiful time in Japan with the cherry blossom season and I am enjoying it so much! And of course with every outing we have to take purikura pictures. I think I explained in one of my previous blog entries that the young people love to take these purikura photos when they go out with friends. Then after you can decorate the photos however you would like! I am sure I will come home with hundreds of purikura pictures but I think it is one the best way to remember an experience!